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CG | DRB | 2012 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2012 048
Original file (2012 048.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied
DRB DOCKET 2012-048



TIS 3 yrs, 6 months, 25 days
Policy Implications _| None


The applicant was discharged for Separation For Miscellaneous/General Reasons due to alcohol abuse. The
applicant’s first alcohol incident occurred in 2010 for driving under the influence (DUD) on a military base. The
applicant was screened and received IMPACT training.

In the Spring of 2011, the applicant was found guilty again of DUI on the same military facility. The applicant
was screened and found to be alcohol abusive and directed to receive Level I outpatient treatment.

The applicant’s record shows that due process was ‘afforded and that the request for a second chance waiver
was denied. The applicant argues that his incidents were below the Blood Alcohol content (BAC) threshold
required for civilian driving offenses; however they violated the local military policies in place which constitute
a DUI when driving on the base grounds. The applicant seeks relief to upgrade the RE4 reentry code issued.

In accordance with ALCOAST 125/10, an “RE-3 is prescribed for individuals who are separated as a result of
accumulated two alcohol incidents... However, RE-4 is prescribed for cases involving DUI, associated alcohol
related misconduct, or member who fail to complete or refuse treatment.” In this case, the applicant was
involved in two DUI’s and the command elected to take the applicant to NJP for the second DUI/incident,

which constitutes alcohol related misconduct. The Board unanimously recommends no relief and the RE4 is in
accordance with policy.

Final Adjudication by Assistant Commandant For Human Resources: Concur with Board. No relief.

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